Vactor Joins AEM Vacuum Excavator Leadership Group
by Admin, on Nov 10, 2015 12:00:00 AM

Streator, Illinois, November 10, 2015 — Vactor Manufacturing, the leading provider of vacuum excavators for utility, oil and gas, telecommunication and industrial water system applications, has announced its participation in the Association of Equipment Manufacturers’ (AEM) Vacuum Excavator Leadership Group. The group was formed to develop essential marketing, technical and safety resources that will help the vacuum excavator industry segment continue to grow.
Promoting safe vacuum excavator operating practices is the top priority of the Vacuum Excavator Leadership Group. Additional areas of importance include statistics program development and equipment standards development. The group will also identify any means by which AEM may better support vacuum excavator products through existing or potential new programs, products or services.
“Vactor is honored to play such an integral role in this important industry group,” said Ben Schmitt, product manager, Vactor Manufacturing. “With more than 19 million miles of buried utilities in the United States, it’s essential that vacuum excavation equipment operators are proficient in the safe and proper use of the equipment to efficiently locate underground utilities while protecting vulnerable and expensive infrastructure. We look forward to sharing Vactor’s insight and deep understanding of vacuum excavation technology and collaborating with our fellow industry leaders in this group to improve operator safety, performance and productivity.”
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